“In 2014, The Gasser Foundation made a generous gift of the Wolfe Center building to Aldea Children & Family Services. This gift greatly enhanced the agency’s balance sheet. More importantly, however, this gift has meant that each year instead of spending well over $100,000 in occupancy costs to deliver programming, this money can be used for staff to deliver much needed treatment and prevention services to youth in need of help and support. Quite literally, this gift means that hundreds of vulnerable people each year will get the services they need in order to repair their lives and have brighter futures who would otherwise go unserved due to resources needing to go to pay for occupancy costs. This has allowed Aldea to deepen our impact by serving more people. On behalf of those people in need that we serve, I say thank you to the Gasser Foundation on their behalf.” — Mark Bontrager, Executive Director, Aldea Children & Family Services