Applications for an invitation to apply for a grant are by letter to the foundation stating the dollar amount to be applied for and the purpose. The letter should be into the foundation by September 1 each year. Invitations to apply for a grant will be issued in October and should be back to the foundation by December 1 each year. Grants will be awarded by the Board of Trustees at their January meeting. Funding of the grants awarded will be timed in a manner that fits the foundation’s cash flow during the year.
In 2016, a few of the grants were awarded to:
- Share the Care
- Volunteer Center
- The Leaven
- Lucky Penny
- Justin Siena
- Napa Food Bank
- Hospice of Napa Valley
- Queen of the Valley Hospital
- The Table
- Napa Salvation Army
- Sustainable Napa County
- Cinco De Mayo
- Voices
In 2015, a few of the grants were awarded to:
- Hospice of Napa Valley
- Calistoga Affordable Housing
- Share the Care
- Volunteer Center
- Napa County Health and Human Services
- Napa Resource Conservation District
- Justin Sienna
- Napa Vine Trail
- Queen of the Valley
- CANV Brown Bag
In 2014, a few of the grants were awarded to:
- Napa Food Bank to help with earthquake repairs at their new location on Industrial Way.
- Provided the Napa Salvation Army with a new refrigerated food truck to help feed the less fortunate in Napa County.
- Awarded the Lincoln Theatre of Performing Arts funds to support non-profits performances.
- The Gasser Foundation supported the Napa Volunteer Center in providing volunteers to the needy in Napa. The Volunteer Center provided a vital role in helping individuals who were displaced from the Napa earthquake and to help other cope with any damage to their homes.
In 2013, a few of the grants were awarded to:
- Habitat for Humanity used for remodeling and restoring current housing stock, rather than building new homes and to continue developing relationships within Napa County for in-kind donations and volunteer work.
- United Cerebral Palsy – Wine Bev Services project met our Foundation goal of providing jobs to the most vulnerable of our population in our beautiful Valley. People with disabilities operate a social enterprise that helps many wine businesses in Napa.
The foundation is now accepting letters of interest for 2018 project funding. Letters must be submitted before September 2017. They will be reviewed prior to a funding decision by the Gasser Board of Directors in early January 2016. Full grant applications will be by invitation only. See the section of this website entitled How To Apply.